Pendulum Evaluates Chakras !!!

How to use a Pendulum to Evaluate Chakras

Making a Pendulum:
  Suspend a weighted object from a chain or string. The pendulum should be at least a few ounces-approximately the weight of a metal key.  It can be made of wood, natural crystals or stones. People have often used wedding rings or keys hung from a string or chain when an instant pendulum is needed.  

 (I Hope you know to make a Pendulum, if  " NO , search on the Web)

Testing the Health of a Chakra:

1. Hold the pendulum approximately 3-4 inches above the chakra being evaluated.

2. Breathe easily and focus your attention on the rhythm of your breathing.

3. Relax your body and allow your mind to clear itself of all external stimuli

4. Bring your awareness to the chakra you are evaluating

5. Place your left hand on your client

6. With your right hand, allow the energetic vibration of your client to move through your right hand

7. Allow the vibration to move through your right hand in a relaxed manner and record the movement

Evaluating the Chakras Pedulum Swing:

Often the swing of the pendulum is in different directions when held over individual chakras. Chakra evaluations can change from day to day, depending on what is taking place energetically and spiritually within each of the chakra centers. The size of the pendulum movement is related to the energy flowing in and around the chakra. If movement is large, the chakra has a lot of energy moving through it. If the movement is small, the energy flowing in the chakra is week. Working with a pendulum helps increase your sensitivities to the energies emanating from all things.

So , The results can be ? 

Clockwise circular swing:  Open. Clear perception of reality

Counterclockwise circular swing:  Closed. Perception of reality not clear not allowing inspired energy to be spread throughout mind/body

Vertical line swing:  Overly stoic ideals. Immovable chakra energy is cluttered
Horizontal line swing:  Strong blockage due to denial

Right Diagonal line, swing to right shoulder:  Aggressive nature dominates

Left Diagonal line, swing to left shoulder:  Passive nature dominates

Clockwise Chaotic (resembles a flower or energy shape drawn in a clockwise motion):  Great transitions taking place.  Positive changes with new insights into old problems.

Counterclockwise Chaotic (resembles a flower or enregy shape drawn in a counterclockwise motion):  Transitions that are taking place are not in the best interest of Self and Others. change being thought of may not be the most beneficial for spiritual growth and learning

Still, unmoving pendulum:  Closed. Great fear of consequences related to change.  Stuck in a pattern of fear.

1 comment:

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