Get Prepared for the Extreme Travel |
As a beginner, you have to lay the groundwork for astral projection. Although
it is possible to have an out-of-body experience without preparing for
it, the circumstances surrounding these types of experiences are not
usually controlled. Near death experiences are an example of
uncontrolled astral travel; by way of trauma to the physical body, the
spirit enters the astral world. Fortunately, you can learn to initiate a
controlled astral projection without putting yourself in harm’s way.
Why Astral Project?
Beyond your normal reality, there is a vivid and exhilarating world waiting for you to explore it.
Just as an earthly traveler has to get a visa before visiting another
country, an astral traveler must train his or her mind, body, and spirit
before proceeding. Only through a concentrated effort can you learn to
experience the many benefits of astral projection. Not only will you get
to discover totally new realm, but you’ll also gain new insights into
your existence. As spiritually enlightening experiences, your astral
adventures can illuminate your past and future, and they can also bring
you extreme joy, certitude, and peace of mind in your present.
Preparing Yourself for Astral Projection
These days, learning how to astral project is easier than ever before. Experts have pooled their knowledge to make having an out-of-body experience possible for absolutely everyone. If you’d like to learn how to astral project, you first need to learn how to induce a state of calm. Following that, there are several other measures which will ultimately help you accomplish an astral projection. You can use this step-by-step guide to initiating astral projection to get started.1. Induce Relaxation:
Astral projection can only be accomplished when your body and mind are calm and at rest. As such, you must learn to first relax yourself before engaging in astral travel. Through the proper breathing techniques and a concentrated effort towards clearing your mind you can enable a state of total relaxation in preparation for astral travel.
2. Apply The Body Cylinder Technique:
You can cleanse and renew your body’s natural energy through the Body Cylinder Technique. When applied properly, this technique allows you to feel the energy moving through your physical body and rid yourself of any lingering negativity.
3. Protect Yourself:
In the astral realm you may occasionally come into contact with negative energy or otherworldly beings. You need to learn to shield your spirit from these types of experiences, and you can do so by focusing on your own protective white light.
4. Clear Your Chakras:
There are seven vital energy sources in your body that drive your sense of well-being. Part of the astral projection process involves ridding these centers of negative energy. When you have made a dedicated effort to clearing your chakras, you are ready to move forward.
5. Raise Your Kundalini:
Your kundalini is an energy force that normally lies dormant within your body. By raising it you actually activate and charge the astral body you will inhabit when you leave your physical body behind.
6. Self-Hypnosis:
You must induce a trance-like state before you can astral project. With the proper training, self-hypnosis allows you to tap into your subconscious mind. Hypnosis is a necessary portal to astral projection.
7. Astral Project:
Once you’ve practiced moving through the steps several times, you are ready to experience your first astral projection. It may take you a few attempts before you embark on your first successful astral projection experience; you need to have patience and maintain an open mind.
Leaving the Physical World
it may seem like a difficult task to actually leave your body behind
and travel through the astral world, it can be accomplished. When you
set your reservations aside and prepare yourself properly, by applying
the proper techniques, you will find yourself on your own individualized
journey through the astral plane. Without the normal bounds of your
physical existence you will be immune to feelings of pain and open to
creative possibilities. As a spirit you can enable your own essence and
let it guide you through new realms. If you’d like to experience astral
travel, take a moment to learn more about astral projection.
Astral projection is a breathtaking, eye opening and life-changing
adventure. It's the best thing that's ever happened to me, and once you
learn how to do it, I know you'll feel the same.
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